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Define a Prompt Chain

What are prompt chains

Prompt chains are ways of connecting several prompt calls together (potentially across multiple models). The simplest prompt chain is conversation history in a chatbot -- previous messages are part of a chain and that context affects the model's response to the latest prompt.

You can use prompt chains to orchestrate workflows spanning multiple models. For example, you could generate an image from an audio file using:

  • Whisper (audio-to-text)
  • GPT-4 (text-to-text) intermediate
  • Stable Diffusion (text-to-image)

See this AI Workbook for an example of a prompt chain

Prompt chains in AIConfig

AIConfig supports prompt chains in several ways:

  1. Conversation history
  2. Parameter chains

Conversation History


By default, prompts from the same chat model are considered to be part of the same chat session and automatically added as conversation history.

For example, in the following aiconfig, prompt1 and prompt2 are considered to be part of the same prompt chain:

"name": "palm-chat-aiconfig",
"schema_version": "latest",
"metadata": {
"models": {
"PaLM Chat": {
"model": "models/chat-bison-001",
"temperature": 0.9
"prompts": [
"name": "prompt1",
"input": "What are transformers?",
"metadata": {
"model": "PaLM Chat"
"name": "prompt2",
"input": "How does this differ from a recurrent neural network?",
"metadata": {
"model": "PaLM Chat"

In order to treat prompt2 as an individual prompt, you can set remember_chat_context to false in the prompt's metadata:
from aiconfig import AIConfigRuntime

config = AIConfigRuntime.load('transformers.aiconfig.json')

config.set_metadata("remember_chat_context", False, "prompt2")

# Runs just prompt2, without conversation history from prompt1

Parameter Chains

Parameter chains are created by passing data between prompts using parameters.

aiconfig uses {{handlebars}} templating syntax that allows you to pass data into prompts, and between prompts.

In order to pass data between prompts, use the {{<prompt_name>.output}} or {{<prompt_name>.input}} syntax. .output references the result of running prompt_name, while .input references the prompt itself.

For example, in the following aiconfig, gen_itinerary references the output of the get_activities prompt:

"name": "NYC Trip Planner",
"description": "Intrepid explorer with ChatGPT and AIConfig",
"schema_version": "latest",
"metadata": {},
"prompts": [
"name": "get_activities",
"input": "Tell me 10 fun attractions to do in NYC.",
"metadata": {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
"name": "gen_itinerary",
"input": "Generate an itinerary ordered by geographic location for these activities: {{get_activities.output}}.",
"metadata": {
"model": "gpt-4"

Observe the following:

  1. The gen_itinerary prompt depends on the output of the get_activities prompt.
  2. It uses gpt-4, whereas the get_activities prompt it depends on uses gpt-3.5-turbo.

Effectively, this is a prompt chain between gen_itinerary and get_activities prompts, as well as as a model chain between gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4.

To run this with AIConfig:

from aiconfig import AIConfigRuntime

config = AIConfigRuntime.load('travel.aiconfig.json')

# This will first run get_activities with GPT-3.5,
# and then use its output to run the gen_itinerary using GPT-4

Notice how simple the syntax is to perform a fairly complex task - running 2 different prompts across 2 different models and chaining one's output as part of the input of another.


You can create fairly complex control flow using parameter chains. aiconfig ensures there are no cycles in the control flow by forcing parameter references only to previous prompts. This ensures that parameter chains are always a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies.


Advanced: It is possible to use a different templating syntax than handlebars. You will need to implement a new kind of ParameterizedModelParser.