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AIConfig is designed to be customized and extended for your use-case. There are some key extension points for AIConfig:

  1. Supporting other models (BYO Model)
  2. Callback event handlers
  3. Custom metadata

1. Bring your own Model

You can use any generative AI model with the aiconfig format. All you need to do is define a ModelParser class. This class is responsible for 3 key operations:

  • serialize prompts, model parameters and inference outputs into an aiconfig.
  • deserialize existing aiconfig Prompts for that model into the data that the model accepts (e.g. OpenAI chat completion params).
  • run inference using a model (e.g. calling the OpenAI API or a model running locally).

See some existing aiconfig extensions to learn how to build your own:

Define a custom ModelParser

In this guide, you will learn the basics of defining your own custom ModelParser for use in the AIConfig library. ModelParsers play a crucial role in managing and interacting with AI models within the AIConfig SDK. You can create custom ModelParsers to suit your specific needs and integrate them seamlessly into AIConfig.

ModelParser class

The ModelParser is an abstract base class that serves as the foundation for all ModelParsers. It defines a set of methods and behaviors that any ModelParser implementation must adhere to. Below are the key methods defined in the ModelParser class:

  • id() Returns an identifier for the model parser (e.g., "OpenAIModelParser, HuggingFaceTextGeneration", etc.).
  • serialize() Serialize a prompt and additional metadata/model settings into a Prompt object that can be saved in the AIConfig.
  • deserialize() Deserialize a Prompt object loaded from an AIConfig into a structure that can be used for model inference.
  • run() Execute model inference based on completion data constructed in the deserialize() method. It saves the response or output in prompt.outputs.
  • get_output_text(): Get the output text from the output object containing model inference response.
  • get_model_settings(): Extract the AI model's settings from the AIConfig

ModelParser extensibility

When defining your custom ModelParser, you can inherit from the ModelParser class and override its methods as needed to customize the behavior for your specific AI models. This extensibility allows you to seamlessly integrate your ModelParser into the AIConfig framework and manage AI models with ease.

Here are some helpful resources to get started:

  1. ModelParser class (Python, TypeScript).
  2. OpenAI Chat ModelParser (Python, TypeScript)

ParameterizedModelParser class

In some cases, you may want to create a specialized ModelParser that handles parameterization of prompts. ParameterizedModelParser is an abstract subclass of ModelParser that provides additional methods and utilities for parameterization.


In AIConfig, parameters refer to the handlebar syntax used by prompt inputs to denote a placeholder for another value. Learn more in the following sections:

ParameterizedModelParser extensibility

When defining your own custom ModelParser, you can choose to inherit from the ParameterizedModelParser class to take advantage of the parameterization features provided by AIConfig. This allows you to create model parsers that can handle prompts with placeholders and dynamically replace them with actual values during serialization and deserialization.

By incorporating parameterization into your model parser, you can create AIConfigs that are more flexible and adaptable to different use cases, as well as facilitate the customization of prompt templates to meet specific requirements.

Another notable benefit of using parameterization is the ability to leverage the run_with_dependencies feature. The run_with_dependencies API method allows you to execute prompts with resolved dependencies and prompt references, providing more advanced control over the model's behavior.

The ParameterizedModelParser class and associated helper utilities empower you to harness the power of parameterization in your AI configuration management, offering greater flexibility and control over how prompts are processed and used in model inference.

Helper Utils for ParameterizedModelParser

The ParameterizedModelParser class extends the capabilities of the base ModelParser and includes the following methods:

  • Python resolve_prompt_template() TypeScript: resolvePromptTemplate() Resolves a templated string with provided parameters, allowing for dynamic prompt generation.
  • Python get_prompt_template() TypeScript: getPromptTemplate() An overrideable method that returns a template for a prompt. Customize this method to specify how prompt templates are extracted from prompts.

Helper Utilities for Parameterization

To facilitate parameterization, AIConfig provides a set of helper utilities:

  • Python: resolve_parameters()
    • Resolves parameters within a given string by substituting placeholders with actual values.
  • Python: resolve_prompt_string() TypeScript: resolvePromptString() Resolves a templated string with parameters, similar to the resolve_prompt_template() method of the ParameterizedModelParser class.
  • Python: resolve_parametrized_prompt() TypeScript: resolvePrompt() Resolves a parametrized prompt by substituting parameter placeholders with their corresponding values.
  • Python: resolve_system_prompt() TypeScript: resolvePrompt() Resolves system prompts, often used in multi-turn conversations, by applying parameterization to system prompt templates.

These utilities enable dynamic parameterization of prompts and customization of prompt templates to meet specific requirements.


Have a custom ModelParser implementation that others may find useful? Please consider packaging it as an AIConfig Extension by following our Contributing Guidelines!

2. Callback handlers

The AIConfig SDK has a CallbackManager class provides a stack trace of what's going on under the covers, which is especially useful for complex control flow operations.

Anyone can register a callback, and filter for the events they care about. You can subsequently use these callbacks to integrate with your own monitoring and observability systems.

See the Tracing & Monitoring section to learn how to use event callbacks

3. Custom metadata

You can store any kind of JSON-serializable metadata in an aiconfig. See the metadata schema details to learn more.

To add metadata, use the config.set_metadata (Python) or config.setMetadata (TypeScript) API.